Friday, August 21, 2009

Les deux ans prochains

The aim of qualification is for future endeavours to be available and albeit successful. Personal gratification should however be of the utmost importance, as what is success without happiness? Therefore is not as important to take time away from the scene to know what direction one wants to take? The answer to these is the first step in “knowing”, the journey to “knowing” is taken by “proceeding”. The answer to these questions was personally yes. What then is the purpose of the next 624 days? This is easily answered when thought about, a simple finish.

Self satisfaction is placed high on the to-do list. What should take place in “proceeding”? Everyone is different, each their own journey to take even if it’s shared with another. The first step in a big journey is a taster a small warm up to be ready, prepared, experienced etc. Three stages which are all individual and alone. Each stage needed to be complete before the next takes place. Time and effort must be given for this to begin.

Then the “proceeding” will flourish and the “knowing” will happen. After that the new currently unplanned phase will begin its “proceeding”.

Du Nord au Sud. A travers la terre et la mer. Pour travailler et épargner dans un nouveau lieu. Pour voyager encore à une terre plus pauvre pour aider où ce peut être..