Saturday, October 17, 2009

Abstract and Abstruse: The Incoherent Thoughts of a Sane Man put together in a Coherent Manner


Part 1

Drifting slowly out of touch with perceived reality, that is what Sheridan was. Obscure and alleviated from the chores of the life he had. Behold the truth of majesty and construct, in all its glory. A glorified mess no doubt and without charm. Where does he begin? Surely not at the start as that will only lead to a begrudged meaning and give the world something without thought or purpose. Poor Sheridan, his mind holds all the answers but the answers are contrary to common belief. How can one live a life knowing that everything that people are taught and know is a lie. The truth is everything is wrong but because he knows the real truth he must be then outcast, a loner. Let his battle begin, the battle of knowing and giving the world the truth. He must fight in the face of adversary and despair, they are coming for him and his time is limited. Poor Sheridan, it is not his fault but it is his problem and fight he must or surely die.

So the tale begins not at the beginning but just after halfway through. Now before it starts a problem arises. As the narrator of this fine tale is not Sheridan and as such the tale that is told may not be true. It might be an accidental lie or he, the narrator, could be one of “them” and the tale is a fabrication so that the world continues believing in the lie. Nobody can answer this and the reader must decide for themselves whether the tale is true or not. Whether you believe the narrator or not is your decision.

There are a few rules you must learn and follow so that the tale can be understood. The first rule is only Sheridan knows everything and does not lie.

Walking down towards the tower that stood beside an orange post box was not an easy task. It was a bumpy road and the gravel was sharp, an unforgiving terrain for the barefooted Sheridan. If the unreachable tower was grasped Sheridan knew the hardest and most treacherous part of his journey would be over. “So close now,” Sheridan gasped to himself, only a few more yards. Something moved swiftly, Sheridan saw it in the corner of his eye. He turned around and faced the direction where the movement came from. Nothing was there, nothing unusual anyway but then swish and again. In the corner of his eye Sheridan caught sight of it again and once again Sheridan turned to where the perceived movement came. Alas there was nothing there but then in the corner if his eye he saw it. Moving lightning fast and disappearing just as quick as it appeared. Sheridan repeated the this process of sighting and turning over and over. To no avail in the end he was just spinning in circles. Eventually he gave up and walked on towards the tower. Whatever it was it had won or at least had some fun at Sheridan’s expense. As he continued on a terrifying and daunting feeling came over him, he knew whatever that thing was it was watching him intently but he did not yet know why.

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