Saturday, October 17, 2009

Abstract and Abstruse: The Incoherent Thoughts of a Sane Man put together in a Coherent Manner


Part 1

Drifting slowly out of touch with perceived reality, that is what Sheridan was. Obscure and alleviated from the chores of the life he had. Behold the truth of majesty and construct, in all its glory. A glorified mess no doubt and without charm. Where does he begin? Surely not at the start as that will only lead to a begrudged meaning and give the world something without thought or purpose. Poor Sheridan, his mind holds all the answers but the answers are contrary to common belief. How can one live a life knowing that everything that people are taught and know is a lie. The truth is everything is wrong but because he knows the real truth he must be then outcast, a loner. Let his battle begin, the battle of knowing and giving the world the truth. He must fight in the face of adversary and despair, they are coming for him and his time is limited. Poor Sheridan, it is not his fault but it is his problem and fight he must or surely die.

So the tale begins not at the beginning but just after halfway through. Now before it starts a problem arises. As the narrator of this fine tale is not Sheridan and as such the tale that is told may not be true. It might be an accidental lie or he, the narrator, could be one of “them” and the tale is a fabrication so that the world continues believing in the lie. Nobody can answer this and the reader must decide for themselves whether the tale is true or not. Whether you believe the narrator or not is your decision.

There are a few rules you must learn and follow so that the tale can be understood. The first rule is only Sheridan knows everything and does not lie.

Walking down towards the tower that stood beside an orange post box was not an easy task. It was a bumpy road and the gravel was sharp, an unforgiving terrain for the barefooted Sheridan. If the unreachable tower was grasped Sheridan knew the hardest and most treacherous part of his journey would be over. “So close now,” Sheridan gasped to himself, only a few more yards. Something moved swiftly, Sheridan saw it in the corner of his eye. He turned around and faced the direction where the movement came from. Nothing was there, nothing unusual anyway but then swish and again. In the corner of his eye Sheridan caught sight of it again and once again Sheridan turned to where the perceived movement came. Alas there was nothing there but then in the corner if his eye he saw it. Moving lightning fast and disappearing just as quick as it appeared. Sheridan repeated the this process of sighting and turning over and over. To no avail in the end he was just spinning in circles. Eventually he gave up and walked on towards the tower. Whatever it was it had won or at least had some fun at Sheridan’s expense. As he continued on a terrifying and daunting feeling came over him, he knew whatever that thing was it was watching him intently but he did not yet know why.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Project Tetu: Shameless Plugs

Join and spread the word, if you please.

Beginning of something, good hopefully but only time tells.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Obama: A Lost Article

A recent review of saved documents on my computer has given me a few forgotten gems. The following article I wrote just after Barack Obama took office. It’s an interesting piece that has since been proven right. I have not altered it and is a straight copy from my computer.

I am a supporter of most of Barack Obama’s policies and believe that he was the best choice of all who wanted to be US President dating back to the primaries. However a number of issues relating to his policies have irked me into a response. Obama’s careful play of words have led some media outlets and people to have a misconstrued belief in Obama’s aims.

The first issue is related to his military policies. Obama has been portrayed as peaceful, non-militaristic idealist and has even been called a left wing communist by some media outlets. These claims though are slightly askew of the truth. Obama is not against the military, in fact to the contrary he hopes to expand it. In his campaign promises stated that he wants to increase the size of the UA army, marine corps and special forces. He is also going to change tact with Iran which is quite aggressive. Like Bushes statement you are either with us or with the terrorists Obama has stated that he will talk with Iran and offer them some incentives not to continue their nuclear programme or face political isolation and economic restrictions. Which will escalate as time goes by.

Another big issue that Obama has been praised for is his expected closure of Guantanamo Bay detention centre, a promise he is fulfilling as I write this because a draft proposal has been written up. Obama is closing Guantanamo Bay but Guantanamo is a lot better compared to other detention centres the US operate. One in particular is Bagram Theatre Internment Facility which has nearly double the detainees of Guantanamo. Not only this but the conditions the detainees suffer are far worse than those suffered in Cuba. Captives are called ‘unlawful enemy combatants’ not ‘prisoners of war‘ hence the detainees do not have the same rights as POWs. Many former detainees have stated that the conditions in Bagram are far worse than that suffered in Guantanamo.

I must stress that I am a supporter of Obama and that this piece is not against Obama but its purpose is to highlight some facts that I have found to have been overlooked by many people.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thesis with a bite

At every opportunity in the last four years my political essays have skimmed the subject of the petrodollar and US-OPEC relations. I’ve been waiting patiently for the chance to jump in head first and take a real crack at it. Now is the time, with my thesis proposal approved (to a degree), my opportunity has come, I hope it is a good one.

Petrodollar????? Conspiracy or not:

Firstly it is not a “conspiracy theory” like the ones about Project Serpo or even the more grounded (as in more to this earth rather than possibly true) ones such as New World Order. No this a theory like all other theories that exist and can therefore be proved with some good research as all the information needed is available.

To start with: What is the petrodollar? Briefly, it is the currency, US dollar, that all oil trade is conducted in. Meaning if you are France and want to buy oil you need to pay in US dollars. This makes the US dollar the reserve currency of the world.

Now OPEC, well this organisation is run by the leading Nations of exporting oil such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait etc. There are 12 of these countries in OPEC and they work with each other in the oil market. Until recently the US had hegemonic status which of course meant they were in control of the oil market. However this has recently changed as now the US are dependant on oil and are reliant on OPEC. Leading to a different relationship between the two, that is what I want to find out.

Lastly, what if OPEC members want to trade in a different currency instead of the US dollar? This would make sense as the US dollar is no longer as powerful or worth as much as it used to be. Well just ask Iraq what happens, in 2000 Iraq changed its trade to Euro. They were swiftly invaded by the US three years later because of “WMD’s” and links to Al Qaeda. Both reasons have since been proved wrong and inaccurate. Oh and what was one of the first acts the new Iraqi interim government introduced after Saddam’s departure? You guessed it, they reversed back to using US dollar instead of the Euro and at a time when the Euro was worth more. I suppose this was a thank you for ridding them of the evil Saddam.

So I guess OPEC members learnt their lesson now? No. Iran in February 2008 changed its oil bourse to Euro. Now they have nuclear weapons and are going to kill us all, apparently. Venezuela, another OPEC member, also has decided to change to Euro. How many attempts has there been at overthrowing or discrediting Chavez? Interesting stuff but of course I’m not suggesting a link between the petrodollar and Iran and Venezuela. I believe it is called coincidence.

This is just a little bit of background information, bit of fun. My thesis of course will be a lot more objective and empirical.

Suicide in Brief


Before one can look at ways to prevent suicide, one must look at the factors which are involved that lead to suicidal attempts. If these signs are identified then there is an increase in probability that a suicidal attempt can be thwarted. There is usually more than one factor involved in a suicide attempt. The different factors can be broken into three sections; long term, short term and social demographic.

The main long term factor is previous suicide attempt as 10-15% of those who have attempted one before will die from another attempt later in their life.2 It is clear that one who attempts suicide before has a problem that must be fixed otherwise the likelihood will be they will try again. People who have substance abuse problems are also at a higher risk especially those who abuse alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant and increases the chances of acting on suicidal thoughts (Rich et al 1986). Physical illness where the patient is in constant pain or is immobilised to the extent of social withdrawal also increases suicidal thoughts and attempts.

Short term factors that are coupled with long term factors greatly increase suicide attempts. Factors such as work problems, being rejected, loss and relationship quarrels are the leading scenarios that are associated with suicide. These factors on their own may have a high risk factor but it is where one or more of these factors are associated with a long term factor is where the increase occurs. It is due to the increased stress from these events that lead to the suicidal attempts.

The social demographic shows the groups which are at higher risk then others; these include age, sex, marital status and occupation. It is known that males are at higher risk of suicide than females. This might be due to less the fact less males seek help than females or females self harm rather attempt suicide. The age factor shows that from 15 - 30 suicide deaths are a lot higher compared to other ages. People whose occupation is stressful are also at higher risk. Therefore a person who is male, aged between 15 -30 has alcohol problems, attempted suicide before, is single and recently suffered a loss in the family has a very high risk of a suicidal attempt. With these factors been known one can now try to prevent a suicidal attempt but people who have suicidal thoughts may want anonymous help. This where suicide organisations are
important but do they help in the long term?

some different links, not related